How to keep the creative vibe alive for a longstanding company such as FILA - Fabbrica Italiana Lapis & Affini and its brands already etched into the Italian firmament?
Lifonti & Co. was charged with highlighting its core values and the vision of its love brands: Giotto, Lyra and Das.
To do so, three different Instagram feeds were created and managed in conjunction with our content partner, Cabiria BrandUniverse to open up a dialogue with users and forge an engaged community. This called for first defining a concise strategy and editorial plan for publishing posts and stories per brand, then producing content to ultimately conduct community engagement and see parallel placement of paid ads on Instagram.
The overarching strategic approach entailed highlighting the particular features/benefits of each specific brand and clearly describing the range of uses for products featured by involving customers through timely re-posting of UGC-User Generated Content and Brand Ambassadors and Top Influencer content as well.
Our digital content programs were then extended to other countries, with Lifonti & Co. curating sponsorships in global markets. The launchpad was the creation of a User’s Manual for Corporate Social Network Management based on our Italy model, to be replicated across FILA local markets worldwide.
Over the years, a large number of other creative initiatives have been released, with Lifonti & Co. responsible for concept development, planning, and managing contests on the platform.
The most successful contests launched were:
#Aglanceoutside for Lyra brand (link to contest entries): launched at the height of the pandemic lockdown, a global contest was promoted, inviting fans to draw the view from their windows. Over 150 entries were received. Lyra, along with its long-time partner, Canson, producer of artist papers since 1557, chose 10 winning drawings with prizes sent out to seven different countries, from Argentina to Pakistan.
#Giotto100: this contest was launched to celebrate the centenary of the founding of FILA. Users worldwide were asked to construct a kite using upcycled materials, by simply following a tutorial video. Over 500 kites were entered, with 100 of the best ones receiving a collector’s case containing 100 Giotto markers. Check out the creativity worldwide here!
#MyDasSmart2023: this contest was launched in 2023 to come up with a new color for Das Smart modeling clay. Over 30 people responded with their suggestions here – and the winner is…